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Empire of Sin: Make It Count DLC

Various concept work and storyboarding for the Make It Count DLC for Empire of Sin

Make It Count trailer illustration

Make It Count trailer illustration

Make It Count trailer illustration

Make It Count trailer illustration

Make It Count Trailer

Make It Count trailer storyboards

Make It Count trailer storyboards

Maxim Zelnick final concept

Maxim Zelnick final concept

Maxim Zelnick concept sketches

Maxim Zelnick concept sketches

Gertrud Brandt concept art

Gertrud Brandt concept art

Dixie Chan concept art

Dixie Chan concept art

Judge Ma Miller concept art

Judge Ma Miller concept art

Rachel Steinman concept art

Rachel Steinman concept art

Reuben Esterhauser concept art

Reuben Esterhauser concept art